Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Week of Green" - Green Irene

This morning a special guest, Rick Lethbridge our local Green Irene Eco-Consultant, joined us at our office meeting. A great supplement to our week of green!

He spoke with us about simple ways to green your office/home, from turning off the lights (didn’t our parents tell us that?) to products used to conserve water, recycling and cleaning.

The Green Irene company works in helping those who would like to learn more, and do their part to green their lives. Their flagship product is their Green Home/Office Makeovers, in which they do a 60-90 minute walk-through of your home/office and “recommend ways to reduce household bills while creating a healthier home for your family.”

“Greening our world, one home and office at a time.” Green Irene's motto.

A Few Tips on Conserving Energy:

-Use a low power energy setting on your computer
-unplug items not in use (vampire power)
-turn down your water heater from 140 to 120 degrees
-consider a tankless water heater option
-cover your pool or hot tub
-clean the coils on your fridge so the compressor doesn't work so hard
-run your dishwasher and laundry when full
-use energy efficient lighting

Some of these many of us already do, and they are just a few simple ways to conserve energy. Recycling/waste reduction, indoor air quality, water conservation, and toxic-free living were also topics covered during the presentation. All very interesting with simple solutions to help reduce and conserve.
For more information on these topics visit their website www.greenirene.com.

To get in touch with our local Ketchum, Idaho Eco-Consultant, Rick Lethbridge, view his webpage:
Here is a link to their catalog, filled with very cool eco products!

A couple photos from the meeting this morning, thank you Sunni!

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