Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Elkhorn Tour of Homes

Join us tomorrow, December 27 from 2:00 to 5:00pm for an Ekhorn Tour of Homes. Take a sneak peek at the homes on our website, before heading out in the afternoon.

1. 104 Grey Eagle

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Karin Horvath: Woman of the Year for The Papoose Club

We are pleased to announce one of our agents has been awarded "Woman of the Year" for her leadership, enthusiasm and participation with the Papoose Club's fundraising and local events. This year's recognition went out to Karin Horvath, a member and participant for over 7 years.

Founded in 1954 by a group of local moms, The Papoose Club is a non-profit volunteer organization that supports youth-oriented groups in the Wood River Valley through fundraising activities and community events. Our most well know and well loved events include The Wagon Days Pancake Breakfast, Holiday Bazaar, Kindercup Ski Race, and Annual Plant Sale. Comprised of a group of dedicated members who meet monthly, the Club’s mission is to promote and assist cultural, social educational and athletic activities for children in the Wood River Valley; providing financial support to a wide variety of programs that serve children.

Annual Papoose Club Pancake Breakfast
Papoose Club’s membership is a diverse group of dynamic, community-minded, action oriented people. Over time, our membership roster has included school board members, professionals, stay-at-home moms, teachers, philanthropists, PTA presidents and civic leaders. What all Papoose Club members have in common is a strong commitment to our local community kids in the Wood River Valley. Annually the Papoose Club recognizes one of their members for “Woman of the Year” for their leadership, enthusiasm and participation with our fundraising and local events. This year’s recognition went out to Karin Horvath a member and participant for over 7 years.
Formally incorporated as a non-profit organization, in 1975 the Papoose Club is open to everyone! For more information, please go to:

Annual Holiday Bazaar
Photos courtesy of the Papoose Club.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Browse Sun Valley Real Estate in our Winter 2013 Catalog, Sun Valley Style

The time is upon us, and even though the printed version has not hit stands, you can view our winter 2013 catalog, Sun Valley Style, online. Browse properties from North of Ketchum, ID and Stanley, ID through South Blaine County, with easy links back to our website,, for additional photos and information. If you prefer the printed version, don't fret, it will hit stands December 19th!

Please click the photo or visit to virtually view our listings.